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2019 Selections

2019 CAHA Player Development Camp Tryouts

The 2019 CAHA Player Development Tryout was held April 12-14, 2019 at Extreme Ice Center in Indian Trail, NC. Tryouts were open to all male U.S. citizens born in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005, who are legal residents of North Carolina or South Carolina.

Players advancing to the National Camp Tryout and the Select 14 Camp will receive a direct invite from the Southeastern District.

Players are listed alphabetically by position.

Southeastern District National Camp Tryout


Birth Year Position Name Number
2002 Goalie Belton, Gavin Black-21
2002 Forward Gouveia, Joseph Red-22
2002 Forward Miller, Michael Blue-04
2002 Forward Monteith, Charles III Red-17
2002 Forward Nau, Daniel Red-24
2002 Defense Berko, Cole Red-21
2002 Defense Blue, Dylan Blue-03
2002 Defense Holland, Will
2002 Defense Hutchings, Michael Blue-01
2002 Defense McConaghy, Kade Red-16


Birth Year Position Name Number
2003 Goalie Carman, Tade Black-29
2003 Goalie Plunkett, Evan Black-24
2003 Forward Douglas, Bryan Myles Red-18
2003 Forward Hatley, Griffin Blue-09
2003 Forward Lindley, Aiden Blue-03
2003 Forward Radillo, Tommy Blue-12
2003 Forward Royster, Nicholas Blue-04
2003 Defense Boudreau, Tyler Blue-06
2003 Defense James, Alexander Blue-11
2003 Defense May, Bobby Blue-05
2003 Defense Techet, Gregory Red-24
2003 Defense Vardy, Lemuel Red-27


Birth Year Position Name Number
2004 Goalie Rosado, Mason Black-17
2004 Goalie Techet, Owen Black-10
2004 Forward Arnett, Chase Gray-31
2004 Forward Llanes, Michael Blue-05
2004 Forward Raymond, Tommy Gray-39
2004 Forward Roberts, Colin Blue-11
2004 Forward Tremont, Lucas Red-21
2004 Forward Vasicko, Sebastian Green-53
2004 Forward West, Liam Green-46
2004 Forward Willoughby-Ray, Brooks Red-24
2004 Defense Glonek, Camden Green-52
2004 Defense Kranyik, Elliott Red-19
2004 Defense Miller, Andrew Blue-09
2004 Defense Peller, Zachary Green-50
2004 Defense Weglarz, Edward Red-30

Southeastern District Select 14 Camp


Birth Year Position Name Number
2005 Goalie Shapiro, Jackson Black-7
2005 Goalie Wright, Aiden Black-1
2005 Forward Bartkowski, Michael Blue-09
2005 Forward Derrenbacher, John Green-54
2005 Forward Dougherty, Carter Blue-11
2005 Forward Koufman, Holden Gray-32
2005 Forward McIntyre, Luke Green-49
2005 Forward Onze, Zachary Red-22
2005 Forward Payne, Myles Gray-41
2005 Forward Pitale, Nicolas Gray-38
2005 Forward Prazma, Daniel Red-19
2005 Forward Rodriguez, Armando Blue-03
2005 Forward Sitzmann, Quinn Blue-01
2005 Forward Walker, Ty Gray-35
2005 Defense De Haro, Conner Gray-40
2005 Defense Latzy, Cole Gray-39
2005 Defense Markham, Colby Blue-06
2005 Defense Murray, Chase Red-30
2005 Defense Rengel, Vincent Blue-05
2005 Defense Rice, Nash Red-28