Ice hockey participation in the United States continues to increase with the expansion of youth, high school and junior programs. Opportunities for girls and women grow every year. Ice Hockey requires speed, power, and teamwork. The unique nature of the game of hockey results in specific injury patterns, some of which can be avoided.
Player Safety Chair
Player safety is the top priority of USA Hockey. That’s why updates are being made to the Concussion Management Program and Return to Play forms for the 2019-20 season.
In Best Practices it is recommended that each association conduct Baseline Concussion Testing before the season starts so that you will have a means to best protect your players. Some associations already offer this service and for those who do not yet do so Matt Hurley can assist you in finding qualified medical providers to provide these services for free in your respective geographic areas.
Please make sure to establish a representative within your organization to be a focal point for receiving information and passing along information as well specifically regarding Concussion Management and Player Safety. There will be more information forthcoming shortly from USA Hockey so please be sure to be on the lookout for it.
Visit the USA Hockey Concussion Information webpage for downloads and more resources.
The USA Hockey Concussion Management Return to Play Form, is to be used after an athlete has been removed from athletic activity due to a suspected concussion and must be signed by their medical provider in order to return without restriction to training, practice or competition.
Click on the document link below to access the Return to Play Form.